Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Intuitive Capability of Man to Know Truth and Good

Beauty is one of the most difficult term to define yet one of the easiest terms to understand. We all know what is beautiful and what is not. It does not take a second for a person to say if a girl, a child, a man , a place, a song or a poem is beautiful or not. Yet we hardly know why it is beautiful. All we know is that we like beautiful things and feel good when we see or hear something beautiful.
Random House dictionary, defines "beauty" as a characteristic present in a person, place, object or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning or satisfaction to the mind or to the eyes, arising from sensory manifestations such as a shape, color, personality, sound, design or rhythm.
Yet no one knows, what are these characteristics that make a thing beautiful? Since beauty is based on the perception of the person, it is often said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is also considered to be only skin deep which means that beauty is superficial and it lacks any substance.
The opposite of beauty is ugly i.e. what gives us a bad feeling. When we see an ugly thing, we just don't like it and want to close our sensual perception and mind from that thing. Everyone wants to see beauty and become beautiful and dread to become ugly. While we see a beautiful thing or meet a beautiful person, we just want to keep on looking. Einstein used the concept of beauty to explain the Theory of Relativity i.e. how time can expand or contract
"You spend 30 minutes with a beautiful girl, it seems like a moment. You spend a moment sitting on a hot stove, it seems like 30 minutes".
Beauty is so important to human beings that they can do anything to look beautiful or achieve beautiful things in life. The pursuit of human life seems to become beautiful or acquire beautiful things in life. Beauty has such a powerful attraction that it bewilders all logic and rationality of the person and sometime the attraction become fatal. Why is beauty such a powerful force?
Beauty means Truth and Good
In the ancient philosophies, the material body is believed to be the material reflection of the soul, the spark of the universal soul or God. Hence, if the person is good, it is because the person has a beautiful soul. It is because of the beauty of the soul that people do good actions in this world. People find their parents and friends beautiful, because they are good to them. We can hardly find any beauty in our enemies as they are not good to us. When a friend turns enemy, the same person cease to be beautiful.
In Indian philosophy God is said to have three manifestations in this world i.e. Truth, Good and Beautiful (Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram). Hence when we find something beautiful, it is only because it has the truth and goodness in it.
Scientists discover secrets (truths) of nature, because they find universe beautiful (Difficult to imagine?). Einstein said "I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple."
Jules Henri Poincare, a famous French mathematician and scientist said
"The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living."
The discovery of truth is, therefore, to with the beauty it holds. For a scientist, the universe is not a dead object but he sees beautiful pattern and aesthetics in the nature, which helps him find the secrets of nature. While most of the people find the world as an ugly place due to its imperfectness like inequality, injustice, disorder, a poet sees the same world as beautiful and creates poetry. A poet can only make beautiful poetry, if he finds beauty in nature and human beings. A logical person or a critique of the world can never find these truth of the world as he can never see beauty in this world.
The Evidence of Beauty
Since beauty needs no logic, people often accuse beauty of being superficial. The rational people or scientists accept no facts to be true unless proven objectively by experiments and investigations. They often blame the perceptions of beauty as biased and prejudiced which has developed in the people in the process of evolution.
We all know that a human body looks beautiful, if it is within a particular range of body weight depending upon the height of the person. We don't find the body beautiful, if it is either too thin or too fat. Yet we can't say why only a particular weight should make the body beautiful? However, the scientists have discovered that what we perceive as beautiful is actually the best body weight for health and longevity. A study conducted by more than a million participants by the US Cancer Prevention [1] concluded that
.. optimum body mass indexes to be between 23.5 and 24.9 for men and 22.0 and 23.4 for women. As body mass index increased, risk of death increased. Men and women, with body mass indexes of 40.0 or higher, increased the risk of death by 250% and 200% respectively. In contrast, underweight men and women, with body mass indexes of 18.5 or lower, increased the risk by 26% and 36% respectively.
Thus, the perception of beauty is not superficial as it is supported by robust scientific research. If, we can imagine how we, can perceive beauty of the body, we can easily notice that our perception of beauty perhaps vary in the same proportion as the effect of body weight on health as if our mind already knows what is good for the body even without going through the long process of research.
Once a scientist described to Einstein, how long years of experimentation and research lead to the discovery of the scientific theory. The wife of Einstein promptly remarked that her husband (Einstein) would have developed the same theory on a piece of paper. Einstein never conducted any experiments, but developed the soundest of the scientific theories from the imagination of his mind as man himself a replica of the universe.
We all have the inherent capability to distinguish the good from the evil and the truth from the untruth by our ability to see beauty. When we eat an apple, we don't have to send it to laboratory to know if it is rotten or fresh. We can simply by looking at it can know that it is fresh. A beautiful apple is also a good apple for health.
What is Good?
The first thing to understand is what is good? We can define goodness from the perspective of self and the world. One can be good to the world, if his actions are for the good of the world. Similarly, one can also be good if his actions are good for him. An ugly man, therefore, must be one who is not only bad for the world but also bad for himself.
However, we can argue, why one would like to do anything that is harmful to self. Yet there is no dearth of such actions. For example, if one eats too much and become obese, it is surely not good for his own health. Similarly smoking, additions etc are also not good for one's own self. All selfish actions are initially good for the person but gradually become bad for him, if these actions are not good for the society. The challenge thus lies in finding a way that is not only good for self but also good for the society. All successful persons and businessman finds a way to find their good in the goods of others. For example, Bill Gates is the richest person in the world, not by doing any harm to the society but by bringing tremendous benefit to the society. As a consequence, he also became a rich man.
However, when a person focuses only on selfish benefit without any concern for the world, he creates an imbalance in the world that makes the person bad. This leads to the path of untruth and evil. Such a person gradually becomes unattractive and ugly as the evil starts getting reflected on his body and the face.
What is good also depends on the person and the situations. A sunny day many look beautiful in the cold winters and cold countries but extremely unattractive for the people of the tropical and warm countries. The woman may look extremely beautiful to a lover but only ordinary to other men and women. Hills may be beautiful for the people living in the plain or in hotter places but may look unattractive to the native who may find the modern world of malls and urban life more attractive. A western music may be attractive to some but repulsive to others.
Thus our perception to beauty has also a purpose. The attraction depends not only the object of beauty but also our mental makeup. We find beauty in things that complements ourselves. It force of attraction due to beauty can be compared with the force of attraction of the electric changes. The opposite attracts and once they meet they neutralize each other. So often we are attracted towards something which we lack. Often, we are not even aware what is missing unless we find something attractive. The beauty is thus a guide to achieve the missing something in us so that we can have more fulfilling and contented life.
Yoga: The Secret of Beauty
The secret of the natural beauty lies in the mantra truth, good and beauty (Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram). To look beautiful outside, one has to be good inside. The good feeling can come only by being good and truthful. If one becomes bad for others, he has to pay the price with his beauty.
Yoga, one of the ancient methods for good heath, means union. It defies all scientific theories as people use yoga to reduce weight and become healthy not by burning calories in gym or by medication but simply by effortless postures of the body designed many thousands of years ago that requires discipline of the body and mind. Yoga means union i.e. the union of body and mind with the soul on personal level and the union of individual soul to the universal soul or the soul of the world on he other level. Yoga, is used all over the world, to make oneself beautiful as it beings the goodness and truth in the person. However, once the person become beautiful, he automatically gets he proper body weight and also fitness and good health.
The Challenges of being Beautiful
Some people are born beautiful but other acquires beauty by conscious effort. Often the most become people become unattractive due to their lifestyle and evil actions. Who would find beauty in a obese man or woman or in a criminal. However, often very ordinary looking person become very attractive because of their achievements. It is particularly true about man who seems to become more attractive with their achievements and good deeds.
As believed in the Indian philosophies, beauty is the manifestation of God in this world. Hence, if a person start doing evil acts, he start drifting from God to Devil. Soon the person would start looking ugly too. His face and body would transform in a way that he would lose all beauty. He would lose health and fitness. He would fall sick frequently. He would become overweight or underweight so as to lose his vitality and health. His face would become cruel or pale devoid of serenity and beauty.
It is not a mere coincidence that no dictator or evil person has ever been beautiful. Conversely, a beautiful person can not be cruel or evil. One proof of this statement is that women, who epitomize beauty, can hardly kill innocent people or commit murder. Woman represents beauty hence they also mean what is good for the society. They risk their own life to create a new life.
We also find that all children are beautiful. It is not a mere a coincidence that all children are also good. They love every creation of the world including innate objects like dolls, toys and animals. Most of the cartoon films and the children's film show kindness to animals. Yet as a man grows, he losses his beauty, if he starts losing goodness.
Secret of Beauty
Beauty is one of the biggest desire of human beings hence a great biggest business opportunity for the businessmen. The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar business today all over the world. Yet can any cosmetics make you beautiful. The beauty due to cosmetics is truly superficial and often causes long term harm to the person. The true secret of beauty lies in discovering truth and goodness in the world and within oneself. Once a person has acquired inner beauty, his body and face start emitting the beauty of the soul to the world. One must also use his or her perception of beauty as a guide to achieve a more fulfilling life in this world. Beauty is, therefore, the most beautiful thing in the world as it comes to every person naturally without any training or study, yet it represents the truth and goodness of this world.

Skin Care Tips With Fruit

Fruits other than beneficial to nourish our bodies, apparently the fruit has a very useful advantages. Fruit growth was also able to make our face to be beautiful naturally. Here are some fruits that can beautify your face.

Apples This is suitable in use for your face is oily. Way to take 1 apple, then cut into pieces and input into the blender. Blend until smooth apples without using water. Once in a blender and apply evenly on your face. before membalurkan should wash your face first. after the jerky let stand for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water and cold water to sum up the pores. Do it once a week.

Orange peel
In addition to the delicious fruit in the meal, it turns orange peel can be helpful to your face. Especially for your face is dull. How prick-puncture skin orange premises fork, and put orange peel in warm water and soak for one night. Basuhkan on the face that has been in the clear and then dry with a towel. Serves to remove impurities and dead skin cells.

Papaya Fruit
Papaya can be useful to rejuvenate your skin, mash a ripe papaya and mix 1 tablespoon of honey. Spread on your face and let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Papaya is able to lift dead skin cells and prevent wrinkles on the face. If you want maximum results use once a week.

Melon Fruit
Melon can cool your sun-baked skin. Thin slices of melon and kompreskan for 20 minutes on your face that has been in the clear, then rinse. Melon fruits contain compounds that are useful as a tonic astrigent and able to cool the burned face in the sun.

With these fruits may be beneficial and make your face fresh and beautiful natural beauty without the use of drugs.

Treat your hair well

For a woman, hair is one of the greatest assets.

You can do a lot with what's on top of your head, and there are many products that can help you do that.

important to remember that hair is part of life and is part of our breath.

Hair is not immune to damage hair and certainly will not last forever. too many changes seberti painting, bonding and changes in hair styles to give effect to that horrible for your hair.

In many cases women have ramput finally only a thin and stiff. So treat your hair well, not too much use of hair products and do not like to change your hair style.

Beauty Skin Care Consultation

would be very helpful if you can determine your skin type. following we try to explain the various types of skin to facilitate you in determining your skin type:
1> Normal Skin
      In Teens:
         - Smooth, Clear
         - Blackheads sometimes exist on the nose and forehead
         - Tactile Damp and medium thickness
      In Adults (> 35 yr):
         - Skin color fading
         - The pores more visible
         - There is a fine wrinkles

2> Oily Skin
      Simple Greasy Skin:
         - Sleek the T zone (forehead, nose, chin)
         - The pores widen
      Clinically Greasy Skin:
         - Oily and acne
         - Easy pimply
         - The pores widen

3> Dry Skin
       - Fast but shrivel
       - dull not shiny
       - Wrinkles around the eyes and nose
       - Sometimes loose
       - fine pores
       - Tactile: thin, dry and slightly rough

4> Combination Skin (Mixture between oily and dry skin)
       - Skin looks shiny on the T and U dry areas (cheeks and chin)
       - The pores wide area and normal T U area
       - The presence of spots blackheads, usually in the region T
       - The thickness of the skin is

5> Sensitive Skin
      A typical application of materials Sensai easily cause burning, stinging and itching.
      4 Sensitive Skin Type:
      Type 1 is associated with diet, alcohol, stress, sudden weather changes
      Type 2 is dry and flaky when exposed to cold weather, wind or air conditioning
      Type 3 is dry, burning, redness when using cosmetics / facial soap
      Type 4 is associated with the menstrual cycle

Soft Skin With Bananas

Bananas are not only okay for food. In some countries even the banana has been used as a mixture of cosmetics to cope with dry facial skin as well as remove the stain. How white yogurt mixed 50cc, 2 tablespoons of honey and a banana that was destroyed until blended. Use this mixture as a mask to the face and neck and let stand for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water as usual. Apply this mask once a week for stain removal on the face.

Star Fruit For Beauty

Vitamin C and A of the star fruit effectively help shrink the skin pores, refreshing and soothing facial. Mineral content helps reduce fatigue skin, making fresh face glow.
- wash star fruit
- cut into thin slices
- stick in the skin that release much oil
- let stand for about 5 minutes
- rinse with clean water

Now you can come up with fresh faces and oil free.

Sleep for Beauty

sleep is the time when part of the body and our skin works to repair injuries that occurred when we indulge in the day.

when you are unconscious and are enjoying a break in your bed, your body is working hard to rebuild, replenish and rejuvenate your skin and hair.

on average each person needs eight hours of sleep.

It's important for us to pursue a deep sleep because when we are asleep, our bodies recharge dapan very well.

if you are having trouble getting quality sleep, try to work the same hours of sleep or try to seek help from the experts.

Simultaneously Bath Relaxation

once a week began to perform rituals in the bathroom with a variety of natural ingredients let you look more fresh. Make sure you really enjoy this ritual so that you do not feel bored. Here is the prescription.

Honey Milk Bath For Soft Skin:

Take one cup of powdered milk (can be any brand) a teaspoon of baby oil, two teaspoons of honey mixed with one cup water. Mix all ingredients into the bath tub earlier. Use this ingredient to soak while rubbing parts of your body dry and rough. Soak in warm water for 20 minutes then rinse as usual. then your skin will be beautifully illuminated

Skin Type Face and Fruit Benefits

These tips must be familiar to readers Info Skin, but we can just forget about this or any tips as often indifferent to her, well, hopefully these tips will remain useful to our loyal readers ... yes Skin Info

One part of the body that can rise appearance is the face. With a clean and fresh face, you will be more confident. There are many ways to keep the freshness of the face, one with the use of vitamin content in fruits.

Problem on any face in with skin type. There is oily, with the characteristics of the discharge of oil continuously on the face around the forehead, nose, chin (local term "T"), and cheek at the bottom of the cheekbone. In general, this type of skin covered with acne easy. For this type, then the cucumber can help overcome them. This nutritious fruit smooths and relaxes the skin, helps relieve the pores and remove impurities from the skin. Thus, acne can be prevented. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil on oily skin, so that faces are always fresh and natural.

The second type of facial skin is dry skin types. Usually the skin looks dull or glossy, sometimes feels tense (interested), flaky, and itchy. Circumstances biscuits pores often appear withered and rough, and wrinkled, so it looks older than actual age. Fruit is good for consumption for this type of skin is carrot *. Vitamin A in carrots is required for maintenance of epithelial tissue (tissue that is the skin surface). Carotene contained in carrots is also working to keep the skin moist, slow the occurrence of wrinkles on the face, and making faces always seem to glow. In addition, pineapple fruit can also be your alternative. Because this fruit contains a substance that functions summarize the pores so the skin looks smooth.

Another case with normal skin types. In between these two types of skin before, the ideal is normal skin types. This type of skin is not oily and not too dry. In addition, the texture is smooth and feels soft to the touch. For this type of skin, an avocado can be your choice. Avocado mask to help care for normal skin types. Therefore, a high fat content can moisturize the skin and protects skin from the influence of sunlight.

* Carrot juice can be consumed by raw or boiled carrots

(Tips boil vegetables: for ensuring proper vitamins in vegetables, then before entering vegetables, boiled water with salt to taste and a little sugar, sugar is useful to keep the vitamins present in vegetables to stay awake and not discarded with the cooking water.)

Make up for your wedding day

More importantly you have the best performance on a given day than other days, and no day is more important than your wedding day.

This is satu2nya days (hopefully) where you are guaranteed to be the star of the show, this is the day where all your friends and family will see you at the same time.

This is the day that you commit to spending the rest of the time in your life with someone you love.

you have to have the best penamilan more than others, so to help you, we give some tips for your best to look beautiful on your wedding ..

- long before the big day, you should perform skin and nail care. remember, beauty takes time, the skin smooth and beautiful nails can not be produced in a day.
- Avoid sun
- provide a lot of time in the morning before the wedding for makeup
- if possible, do the experiment make up and grooming one or two months earlier
- Your wedding is very special, so do not be afraid to use an extreme make-up that is beyond the normal limit your makeup
- as much as possible avoid the black lines around the eyes or lips
- use classical makeup from the make-up which is the latest trend
- ask your mom to bring some makeup equipment, to anticipate the situation when you need to make up the middle of your wedding